Mike Dominguez
(aka = Mig)
Born: 1977
Years Climbing: 21 (started climbing in the 80’s (1989)… took 5 years off from climbing between 1998 and 2003, so really only 16 years…but it still makes me an old man)
Favorite Place to rope up: Yosemite, CA
Favorite Bouldering Area: If I were to base it solely on the movement of the climbing I’d say Hueco Tanks. If I consider: the scenery (!!!), rest day activities (hot springs!!!), food (Schat’s Bakery), and the movement of the climbing… It’s Bishop, CA. No question. If you’ve been there, then you know. If you haven’t…you must HATE to boulder.
Setting Philosophy: I like to set routes & problems that have a smooth flow to them. My routes tend to be stiff for the grade…its intentional though. I want the climber to be fully prepared (physically) and comfortable (mentally) on a certain grade if they are to attack a similar grade outside.