• Climbing Technique Classes

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Take your climbing experience to the next level!

Our incredible climbing technique classes and staff services allow you to push your skills further so whether you’re training for a climbing competition, learning how to belay or hold the ropes for a friend so you can both attempt more difficult climbs, or if you just need someone to hold the ropes for an hour, we have something for you.

While belay skills are NOT necessary to climb at any Rock Spot Climbing facility, being belay certified will allow climbers to experience our incredible top rope climbing routes that are not on an auto-belay system.

All climbers who would like access to these climbs must take a MANDATORY belay test from one of our staff members to ensure their technique is approved for use at our facility. This test may be requested upon arrival so no reservation is necessary. A climber only needs to pass this test once, after which point they will be certified to utilize the roped climbs across all of our facilities.

Rock Spot Climbing reserves the right to deny roped access to any climber who’s technique is NOT approved by our staff.

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